3rd Grade Chapter Book Note-Taking

1.   Keep a notebook and something to write with when you are reading.

2.   Make your notes at the end of each chapter that you just read.

3.  Take notes in exactly the same way for each chapter.

4.   Always keep in mind your 5 “W” and 1 “H”, who, what, where, when, why along with how.

5.  While you are reading pay attention for names mentioned in the chapter along with places and dates.
6.  When you read about a character for the first time, you need to write the character’s name along with an explanation of who the character is in the story.

7.  When you read about a place or a date for the first time, write the information down and why it is mentioned in that chapter.

8.  Write about the setting of each chapter, only if it is a new setting for the story.

9.  If in the chapter that you are reading you recognize a part of the plot, write it down.

10.  At the end of the chapter, close the book and think about what you just read.

11.  Pick out what you think is the most important event in the chapter.

12.  After you completed reading the chapter, write in your own words what the chapter was about.